Coronavirus Response | Update Archive
Church Office Phone Number: 440-779-9484
UPDATED November 25, 2020

Pastor Jason began exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID Sunday evening (Nov. 22), and today he tested positive for the virus. This information will require some adjustments to our plans over the coming week:

  • The Thanksgiving Eve service will be live stream only at 6:30 pm Nov. 25. Visit, YouTube or Facebook to connect to the stream for this service reflecting on “Living with Gratitude.”
  • Our Sunday services for Nov. 29 will also be online only, and there will be no children’s programming. Please join us for worship anytime beginning at 9:15 am on, YouTube or Facebook. Our hope is to resume in-person services on Dec. 6.
  • The church offices are currently closed. Ministry staff will be working from home and available by email and cell phone.
If you had close contact with Pastor Jason over the weekend (within six feet for a total of 15 minutes or more), current recommendations from health professionals suggest that you should self-isolate for 14 days from the time of exposure. For further guidance, please refer to the CDC’s frequently asked questions or contact your doctor.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our church during this season.

UPDATED November 19, 2020
NOEFC is gathering for two services each Sunday: AWAKEN at 9:15 AM and THRIVE at 11 AM. Services will be live streamed on the church website (, Facebook and YouTube, and the services will be available online afterward as well.
For Sunday worship, face coverings should be worn as a general rule in the building. However, when seated during a service and at a comfortable distance from others, the masks may be removed. When singing, standing and moving through the building, masks should be put back on. For the comfort and protection of those at greater risk, everyone worshipping in the Family Life Center should keep their masks on for the entire service.
We would like to highlight the importance of the safety of the most vulnerable in this season. If you find yourself to be among those most affected, we encourage you to continue to tune in online. We have been taking steps to improve the quality and reliability of our live stream, and we appreciate your patience as we have been working to sort out issues with our connection and technology. Know that you are missed, and we look forward to worshiping with you in person soon!
For those attending in person, the Sanctuary will be limited to 100 people with every other row of chairs removed. Overflow seating will be offered in the Family Life Center with a live stream available. Designated rooms will be open for families if needed. Locked offering boxes are available outside of the Sanctuary for offering envelopes. Although we are again distributing paper bulletins, we encourage use of our virtual bulletin with an online Connect Card, prayer request form, and online giving portal.
Children from birth through 6th grade meet in the children’s wing at 11 AM, in groups each smaller than 10 people. Youth will not be meeting on Sunday mornings through December, but will be gathering in smaller groups several evenings a week. All groups are following enhanced health and safety practices during this time. Many children’s volunteers are not able to serve at this time due to being in a high-risk group for COVID. If you are interested in supporting children’s or youth ministry by volunteering, please contact Adam Falkenstein.
Please call the church office Monday-Friday 9 AM-4 PM with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you soon!
UPDATED May 26, 2020
NOEFC will resume in-person worship services on Sunday, May 31. We will have 2 services: AWAKEN at 9:15 AM and THRIVE at 11 AM along with Youth Sunday class (7th-12th grade) meeting in the Upper Room during the 11 AM service.  We would like to highlight the importance of the safety of the most vulnerable in this season.  If you find yourself to be among those most effected, we encourage you to continue to tune-in online.  Know that you are missed and we look forward to worshiping in-person soon!
Below are 7 points NOEFC will be recognizing as we look to enter into this time of gathering.  
1. We will have 2 services, AWAKEN at 9:15 AM and THRIVE at 11 AM held in the sanctuary.
2. The Sanctuary will be limited to 100 people with every other row of chairs removed.
3. Overflow seating will be offered in the Family Life Center with a Live Stream available. Designated rooms will be open for families if needed.
4. No offerings, bulletins, or hymnals will be utilized. Locked offering boxes are available outside of the Sanctuary for offering envelopes. As we are not passing out paper bulletins, we have made efforts to craft a virtual bulletin that can be accessed through our website starting May 31.
5. Face masks are encouraged for all in attendance. NOEFC staff and volunteers will be required to wear masks unless on the platform leading. Wearing a mask is the best way to show care and compassion towards others and that is one of our first priorities at NOEFC.
6. Children’s Ministry will not be meeting in-person in this initial re-opening stage. Alternative summer activities will be communicated during this time.
7. Youth will meet in the Upper Room during the 11 AM service on Sunday mornings. Several guidelines will be set in place and presented to the teens on May 31. If guidelines are not followed, the ability to meet will be temporarily suspended.  Further information on summer activities will be communicated soon.  
Pastor Geoff unpacked each of these in greater detail on Sunday May, 24th in his sermon that can be accessed on our Facebook page, YouTube Channel, and  website at  With any questions or concerns please call the church office Monday-Friday 9 AM-4 PM.  
We look forward to seeing you soon. 
UPDATED May 20, 2020
NOEFC will resume in-person worship services on Sunday, May 31. More details will be shared during the live stream on Sunday, May 24, and will also be posted on this page. Check back soon for more information!
UPDATED May 9, 2020

North Olmsted Evangelical Friends Church offices will reopen for limited hours beginning May 12. The office will be open from 9 am to 1 pm Tuesday through Friday until further notice. Pastoral staff will continue to be available to the congregation through phone, email or appointments at the church. Please do not hesitate to reach out by calling the church office (440-779-9484); outside of office hours, you can leave a voicemail for staff members.  

The North Olmsted City Schools free lunch pick-up program will continue at this location as scheduled Monday thru Friday from 11:15 am – 1:15 pm or while supplies last.

Although we still cannot meet for worship in person, we will continue to live-stream our worship services at 10 am every Sunday on Facebook and on our website, with the videos available beginning Sunday afternoons on Facebook and YouTube.

We are also offering numerous opportunities during the week for kids, youth and adults to connect with God and one another. Our church staff and elders are preparing daily devotionals entitled “Hope Starts Here.” For more information about our online connection points, visit the Connect Online page.

Please continue to share your prayer requests using the prayer request form online or by leaving a message on the general church voicemail.

Your continued support and generosity are greatly appreciated and are particularly vital during this time. For your convenience, you may give securely online.
UPDATED March 28, 2020
Due to Governor DeWine’s stay-at-home order, the church office will be closed until April 6. Pastoral staff will continue to be available to the congregation through this closure.  Please do not hesitate to reach out. You may still call the church office and leave a voicemail for staff members, who will check messages twice a day.  
UPDATED March 18, 2020
Dear Friends:

These are difficult and challenging days. I want you to know I am praying for each one of you as you deal in your own way with this crisis that has gripped our communities. My prayer is that the Church will shine as a beacon of hope and faith and be an example of compassion, patience and calm. A.W. Tozer once said, “A scared world needs a fearless church!” While it looks like things may be out of control, behind the scenes we know there is a God who has not surrendered His authority.

Our Board of Elders and I have decided not to meet on-site for regular Sunday morning services for at least the next two Sundays. We have made this decision because of our love for our neighbors and respect for those whom God has put in authority. Instead, we ask that our church family join us online for a streamed service at 10 AM Sunday on Facebook Live. We will worship together and hear a message of encouragement from God’s Word.

For those who are not on Facebook, we will post the video to YouTube and audio to our website ( later Sunday. Our staff is also preparing daily devotionals that will be available on our website and through our social media accounts—more information will be coming soon. If you have prayer requests, you may submit them online at

However, even as we are taking precautions (washing our hands), I have been blessed to see how our congregation has risen up to wash feet. We may not be at church, but that certainly does not mean we have ceased to be the Church! Many of you have volunteered to help with school food distribution and elderly/shut-in calls and support. Others are helping to clean and disinfect the church. Many of you continue to give generously in these uncertain times. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

We can be fearless because Jesus promises us, “And surely I am with you, to the very end of the age.” It is wonderful to know that in these dark times Christ isn’t doing any social distancing. He will be with us. He will meet with us. He will lead us. He will sustain us. He will give us hope.

Pastor Geoff

All groups sponsored by or connected with NOEFC have suspended their meetings, both onsite and offsite, at least until April 6. Further updates will be given.
If you are one of those in an at-risk category and you need assistance with shopping or other errands, please call the church office (440-  779-9484) for help.
If your family has childcare needs, please call the church office and we can connect you with volunteers who can assist.
The church office is open from 9 AM – 1PM, Monday – Friday.
UPDATED March 17, 2020 
The North Olmsted School District has made grab and go meals available at several organizations around the city.  NOEFC will be a pick up spot Monday-Friday 11:15 AM – 1:15 PM. More information on the district’s website
UPDATED March 16, 2020
Please contact the church office or person listed if you need assistance or to volunteer in the following areas:
Food distribution to North Olmsted students | Adam Falkenstein or Gina Glazer
Elderly Care (can include grocery shopping) | Pastor Rich
Childcare | Adrianne Nolan
Disinfecting the church | Dave Millen 
UPDATED March 13, 2020
For the week of 3/16 – 3/20 the church office will be open 9 AM – 1 PM.  
UPDATED March 13, 2020
Other than Sunday morning services and classes at 9:15 and 11 AM, all events and programs are suspended beginning Monday, March 16th for a 3 week period.  This includes, but is not limited to: Wednesday evening classes, Youth Group, Children’s Choir, MomEase, FFA, Overseers, Open Volleyball, Grace Volleyball, Men’s Breakfast, Overcomers, Grief Care, Silver Friends, LOFT, REAL Talk, Well Women Walking, any and all ministry team meetings, and all other gatherings.  
Please be advised that we are seeking to be advocates for our community and are called to be vigilant in caring for those in need.  If you or someone you know is facing difficulties due to the current climate, please reach out to the church office for assistance.  
UPDATED March 13, 2020
Dear Friends:
Amid the crisis that has emerged in our country and community concerning the COVID-19 virus, I thought it was important to reach out to you.
We have been studying the first verses of Hebrews 12 as a church. This morning in my devotions I chose to concentrate on the last verses of that chapter. “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:28-29).
With the number of confirmed cases of the virus likely to grow, the stock market reeling, schools closing, and sports seasons being suspended, the effects are being felt everywhere. The kingdoms of this world are now being shaken. Yet, we can be thankful. God is still on His throne; the Gospel is in full effect and He intends for His Church to be a beacon of light and hope, compassion and love during crisis.
As you know, Governor DeWine has exempted religious institutions from the ban of larger groups while still asking us to take several precautions. Our Board of Elders met last night to discuss our response. We will continue to monitor updates from national and state leaders and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as other churches to determine best practices in the days ahead to mitigate the impact of this virus.
We intend to conduct worship at our regular service times on Sunday. However, we appreciate that many in our church family out of prudence and concern will choose not to join us so as not to give this virus a chance to spread. Most especially, if you or a family member are showing signs of sickness (especially in case of fever), please stay home out of concern for others. Instead, we encourage any who are not joining us in person to join our livestream on Facebook.
For those who do join us, hand sanitizers will be readily available in key areas of the church for use by our congregation.
To minimize your need to touch door handles, our volunteer teams will hold exterior doors open to greet you.
Greeting Time
While we may have moments of greeting during worship, we recommend you greet each other with warm smiles, waves and elbow bumps instead of handshakes, hugs and holy kisses.
We recommend that you give your tithes and offerings online ( We will not pass offering plates/bags during the service, but will have them available in the Atrium on the way out of the sanctuary.
Children and Youth Ministry
As of now, we will continue to host these ministries taking every care to wipe down surfaces and classroom toys between all services with disinfectant wipes.
As we gather, out of love we will be careful to practice good hygiene including:
• Staying home when you are sick.
• Covering your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Washing your hands often or using hand-sanitizer.
Beginning Monday, all regular group meetings at the church will be suspended for the following three weeks. This does not include Sunday worship. This is a fluid situation and we will announce all schedule changes through email and post on our website.
I am reminded that there is a much deadlier virus that has impacted the world. It is the virus of sin. May we be a community that in the midst of this crisis, points others faithfully to the Savior. This morning we are contacting school administrators to assess how we can help families that will be challenged during the school shutdown. We should also be diligent to pray for victims and families, our community leaders and health care workers. During these times of fear and uncertainty, let us show ourselves to be a part of the kingdom unshakeable.

Pastor Geoff Schultz